Hank, Kathi and Thor

Hank Scott
Founder and Co-owner
Hank studied Architectural Engineering prior to entering the printing industry where he worked for over 20 years. During this time, he steadily fed his hobby of woodworking, furniture building and home remodeling. Along the way, he became an EMT and volunteer for the Forest View Volunteer Rescue Squad, one of the EMS agencies in the Richmond, Virginia area. Hank served as Chief of Operations for five years and is a life member of 17 years.

Kathi Scott
Kathi studied Nursing in college and worked in the medical field over 20 years. She worked with her husband Hank Scott as a volunteer EMT and is also a 17-year life member of the Forest View Volunteer Rescue Squad. Kathi handles marketing and administrative duties for Performance Custom Cabinets, LLC.

Brand Inspiration
Wearing her marketing hat, Kathi introduced Thor, the family’s 140 lb. German Shepherd to his duty as the company mascot and the inspiration for the Thorguarde brand of vehicle weapon vaults. Thor’s image is our “old school” way of conveying the peace-of-mind security we provide with innovative mobile security cabinets.
Secure Vehicle Solutions
Satisfaction Guaranteed